The Department for Works and Pensions
The Funeral Payment can help pay towards the following:
If the person who died had a pre-paid funeral plan, you’ll only get help for items not covered by the plan.
To apply for a payment towards the funeral you must be the partner, parent, children or close relative/friend of the deceased.
To be eligible for a claim you must apply within three months of the funeral date, you can apply by filling in a form online or over the phone.
Please note this is the maximum amount that they will contribute towards the funeral, unfortunately they cannot pay for the full funeral costs. Please see the Department of Works and Pensions website for further information

Setting the highest standards for funeral services, facilities and care in Essex & London
At TCribb, we spend time getting to know you; respecting and honouring your loved one's final wishes. Each and every one of our Funeral Directors will be by your side to listen, advise and guide you through all your options.
Families choose us because the little details matter to us just as much as they matter to you. We understand this is one of the most difficult times in your life, and we’re here to look after you and your loved one as if you were a member of our own family.